Be Ready | Be Respectful | Be Safe
At Great Doddington we set high standards and expectations in terms of attitudes and behaviour. This is fundamental to the ethos and success of our school.
School Diary
Mrs Garnham welcomes you to our school, the scene for 'our vibrant, inclusive and caring setting for your child's learning', for new starters or children arriving part-way through a year.
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School Diary
Welcome from Mrs Garnham
Welcome to Great Doddington Primary School. Everyone at Great Doddington looks forward to working with you and your child.
We believe that we provide a caring school community in which children can feel happy and secure.
We know that by placing an emphasis on quality teaching and learning, where children are provided with a rich, stimulating and relevant learning environment, we are creating a strong foundation on which future achievements will be built.
Not only do we want to prepare our children for the next stage of their lives, but throughout their time with us we hope they become increasingly confident and independent learners. We want all our children to achieve success and return to school eagerly each day.
We place great value on a close working relationship with parents, wishing to build an effective partnership to support your children throughout their time with us.
Choosing the right school can be a difficult decision. If you want to find out more about Great Doddington, please do visit us.
Executive Head Teacher: Mrs J Garnham
Head of School: Miss R Shelton
Chair of Governors: Mrs M Braham
Our School Values
At Great Doddington we set high standards and expectations in terms of attitudes and behaviour. This is fundamental to the ethos and success of our school.
The following values have been agreed by the school community.