Please click on a class section to find our more about their current learning.
Starling class are taught by Mrs Robertson with Mrs Callister teaching the class for one afternoon per week. They have the support of Mrs Barnes, Miss Middleton, Mr Camilleri, Miss Wignall and Mrs Lea.
Starling class are mostly taught as a whole class except for maths and science where they are taught in discreet year groups. Phonics is taught in small groups matched to the pupils' phonic ability. The children are taught through a mix of whole class teaching and small group work.
Woodpecker class are taught by Miss Shelton and Mrs Sultan. They are also supported by Mrs Austin and Mrs Hynes.
We are pleased to welcome Madame Kernick to the class on Monday mornings who teaches the children French and Mr Tranmer, sports specialist teacher, who delivers PE to the children once a week.
Over the year we will be learning a range of topics from ‘Why are rainforests important to us?’ to ‘How did the achievements of the Maya civilisation influence their society and beyond? In English, Year 4 children use Talk for Writing to help them with their learning.
Mallard Class are taught by Mr. Draper and are supported by Mrs. Homer and Mrs. Hynes. On a Tuesday, Mr. Tranmer teaches PE, so children will need their kit on this day. Throughout the year, we will be covering lots of exciting topics, from the Vikings to the Greeks and Oceans through to The Alps.