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Our Staff




 Mrs J Garnham

 Executive Head Teacher

Miss R Shelton

 Head of School

 Miss C Neal 

 Wrens R/Yr1

 Mrs Parsons (3 days) and Mrs Goodwin (2 days)

 Starlings Yr1/Yr2

 Mr R Parker and Mrs J Callister

 Wagtails Yr3

 Mrs N Sultan and Miss R Shelton

 Woodpeckers Yr4

 Mr H Draper 

 Mallards Yr5

Mr T Wainwright

Red Kites Yr6


Other Key Members of Staff



Mrs C Mills

Executive SENDCO  (Two days per week)

Mrs V McGregor

SENDCO (Wednesdays only)

Mrs L Winrow

 Pastoral Support Manager

Mrs M Bradbury

Green Shoots Cover Supervisor

Mrs Z Calvert Inclusion Assistant/JLT Coordinator


Teaching Assistants

Pastoral Support



Mrs K Austin

Teaching Assistant

Mrs G Homer

Teaching Assistant

Mrs L Lea

Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Hynes

Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Callister

Teaching Assistant

Miss Z Middleton

Teaching Assistant

Mr D Camilleri

Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Wignall

Teaching Assistant

Mrs C Barnes

Teaching Assistant

Mrs N Plows

Teaching Assistant 


Lunchtime Supervisors



Mrs Z Calvert Lunchtime Supervisor
Vacancy Lunchtime Supervisor

School Office & Site Management



Mrs D Jawo

Executive Business Manager

Mrs E Kilsby Office Manager
Mrs C Elston Green Shoots Finance Assistant
Mr P Myers Site Supervisor





Contact Details

The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:

Great Doddington Primary
Church Lane
Great Doddington
NN29 7TR
Phone: 01933 225814

Key Contacts

Executive Head Teacher - Mrs J Garnham

Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss R Shelton 

Chair of Governors - Miss Angela Pratt

Executive SENDCO- Mrs C Mills

SENDCO - Mrs V McGregor

How to Find Us

How to find Great Doddington Primary